Friday 28 January 2011

What we learnt from Amar

Today from Amar we learnt how to prepare for a film shoot through several steps. His presentation taught us how to prepare for shooting our film, and how to be organised and prepared in order to make it as successful as possible. Amar talked us through several points such as Script Writing, Storyboarding and setting the scene, Location Recce's, Shot List, Test Shots, Final Shooting, Editing and more. in order to be really prepared and organised to create a really successful film when we go to shoot.

We found the point about location recces really useful as we felt that by doing this it will enable us to get a feel for our possible locations through photographs and also being there in person, helping us to decide which location(s) to use.
We have decided to set the location in a cellar, this location is practical and reliable as it is one of the group members who has a cellar in her house. We will think of safety precautions to make sure it is safe, we also have adult supervision who will be on hand to help with any problems we may need help with.

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