Friday, 11 February 2011

Test Footage

We carried out some test shots before filming our thriller. Part of the opening sequence is going to be set in a dark cellar which is why we chose to do our test shots in a dark room to get the feel of how the shots will look with only a very small amount of lighthing.
In order to create the tension and uncertainty for the audience, we've set the scene in a dark area. The dark room enables the audience to question themselves what is going on and helps set the scene of the girl being vulnerable by not being able to see where she is and being tied up.
The limited light enables the audience to view the protagonist and the main features like the tied hands and feet along with the blood which shows she has been physically harmed and locked up, this creates the effect of the audience being causious of the girls condition making them eel tense, however the audience know sub-consiously that they are safe themselves in reality which is a key feature that thrillers need to include.
The flickering light creates the effect of the light either faiding or about to faid into darkness which helps build the tension for the over all scene. Along with the close up of her face and eye, the flickering light helps create an anxious tension for the audience and helps piece p the scene over all for a thriller as it is subtle.

The ambient sound helps blend in the continuity editing which enables the audience to feel like they're participating in the scene. The dripping water echoing in the background helps set the location of a dark lonely spaced cellar as it echos which makes the location seem very open, this enhances the girl's vulnerability because she is tied in a little space but is kept in a large area. The ambient sound will make the audience feel the echoing is near them like they're there, this effect of continuity editing will help make the "thrill" the audience is hoping to get out of the scene.
Hearing nothing but her breathing and the echoing of the water dripping causes an awkward tension, this blends in with the genre of the sequence because thrillers create and uncertainty to what is and is going to happen, you're never quite sure compared to a horror.

The zoom into a close up of the girl's hands and feet helps show all the main aspects towards the point of the scene which is that she is being held in a cellar tied up.
The mid shot of the girl's face zooming into a close up of just her eye creates tension for the audience as the effect of only seeing one feature of the girl's face, not being able to see her facial expression or where she is creates that uncertainty and curiosity for the audience to build up the effect of the "thrill" that may or not happen at that precise moment. The flickering light and echoing sound effect of dripping water helps to build that effect for the audience as it all fits the scene together.
 The scene shows a shadow over the girl's face which looks at first, like an over the shoulder shot, however the shadow is over the girl's face and you don't see anyone's shoulder, this creates the "thrill" for the audience as it's unexpected, to see a shadow of another person appear on the wall and across the girl's face. The audience will because anxious and unsure of what's happening but still sub-consiously know they're not in danger in reality, however the way the camera is shot close to the girl and then shown a shadow of another person makes the audience feel like the shadow is behind them with the effect of continuity editing which enables the audiences to feel they're part of the action.

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